Pitman Blackstock White Solicitors

Your LOCAL Forest of Dean and Gloucester Solicitors


It is difficult without some knowledge of the circumstances of the person who has died to give a meaningful estimate of how long the Probate process will take and what it might cost. We will always be willing to discuss your requirements with you and give you an estimate of what your particular matter is likely to cost and the time it is likely to take.

Our Usual Costs

We base our fees on the hourly fee rate of the lawyer advising you. The hourly fee rates which apply to Probate matters is:

  • £250 + VAT

The matter will be charged according to the actual time spent by us in dealing with the administration of the estate. We can tailor what we do to your requirements.

Fixed Fees

In some cases we can offer a fixed fee for our Probate and administration service. We can discuss this with you and agree a fee based on the size and complexity of the estate - which directly reflects the amount of work to be done.

The fixed fees include the transfer of assets to beneficiaries but not the sale of a house or other property which will be charged in addition (see our conveyancing fee scales for details).

Fixed fees and conveyancing fee scales do not apply where the partners of the firm are acting as the executors of the estate.


In addition to our fees for handling the administration of an estate for you there will be payments which must be made by us to others on your behalf which are called "disbursements". We will give you details of the likely disbursements at the outset of a matter as they are sometimes based on the value of the assets being administered. Land Registry Fees would be an example of a fee scale based on the value of property and also Probate Court fees payable on the application for a Grant of Probate (or Letters of Administration where thereĀ is no Will) are based on the value of the assets of the person who has died. Some examples of typical disbursements are:

  • Probate Court Fee £155 if the estate is above £5,000 (there is no fee for estates below that figure) plus £0.50 for each additional official copy of the Grant
  • Swearing the Probate Oath fee £7 plus a further £2 for each Codicil to the Will (payable by each executor or administrator)
  • Statutory Advertisements in The London Gazette and a local newspaper to protect executors from unknown creditors.
    • The London Gazette s.27 Trustee Act Notice fee of £69.50 plus VAT, total £83.40.
    • Local newspaper (this varies from region to region) approximately £45 + VAT
  • Bankruptcy Search at the Land Charges Department (£2 per name searched)